
UMDM Sponsored Programs

Note: Some of these programs are no longer receiving UMDM funds, but have at some point in our history (see *)

Top Soccer: This program is run by the Ann Arbor Youth Soccer Association for children ranging in ages from 8 to 18 with a variety of disabilities including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Head Injury, etc.

C.H.A.M.P. Program – Comprehensive Hand and Arm Movement Program.: Children and adolescents with upper extremity motor dysfunction due to a range of neurological conditions receive this intensive two week therapy program designed to facilitate increased hand and arm function and increase independence with activities of daily living.

Child and Family Life Services: Programs supported through this effort include supportive play and normalization of medical events through therapeutic play techniques, diversional play, medical procedure preparation for the pediatric inpatient and outpatient population.

Martial Arts Therapy: This program utilizes classical martial arts protocols with a rehabilitative focus rather than a combative goal. The child has the opportunity to either ‘spar’ with a volunteer or with a parent, so this is a fun activity for the family to participate in together. The therapy specifically aids with a child’s balance and muscle control.

PEAC Cycling Program: The overall purpose of learning to cycle for these kids is to be included in an activity that represents an everyday opportunity for many children. Bikes can be adapted to fit the child’s strength, such as hand-bikes for children who lack control of their legs or tandem bikes for children who have not yet developed the balance or the confidence to ride alone.

Music Therapy: Music can be an intervention; it takes the child’s mind off the stress and pain that can be part of their daily lives. Children create their own music here, which is an experience that can be extremely relaxing and calming.

Drummers Unite*: This is another type of musical therapy that serves to increase a child’s social interaction. Drummers Unite pairs med school students and patients for a fun session of drumming. The drums are adapted to fit the child’s need, some fitted with Velcro armbands.

School Reentry Program* This program is designed to aid a child in the difficult transition back to school after a long absence or a traumatic illness or procedure. The Child Life staff at Mott will go with the child to school and perform an age appropriate presentation to the child’s classmates that educates them about what their friend went through. These presentations include the use of props such as coloring books and medical play dolls as well as question and answer sessions in which the classmate’s fears are addressed.

Interpretive Dancing*: The dancing allows the children to work on their balance and their muscle control but it also lets them be creative and express themselves how they want to. Children with many skill levels are included because it focuses on their abilities rather than their disabilities.

Yoga*: In many cases of physical disabilities the muscles of the child may become very tight and limit a child’s ability to move about, as they may like. This program attempts to stretch out the child in a very calming fashion. The child’s parents had the option of participating with their child, allowing a very relaxing interaction between the families.

Big Crunchers (offered at Beaumont Health Center): Many children with mental disabilities have sensory adaptation problems where their bodies cannot handle foreign textures. This can be extremely harmful when I child cannot eat because of the texture of foods. This program is designed to get the kids used to different foods in a very social atmosphere that is fun.

Ooey Gooey Group (offered at Beaumont Health Center): Sensory adaptation problems can be very detrimental to a child’s life because they become very fearful of new objects because their brain misfires and cannot perceive the foreign stimuli. This group tried to allow children a fun and social atmosphere in which to try and touch different objects in order to lessen their fear.

Dreams and Wings This is a one-day event in which families are invited to take a ride in an airplane around the Ann Arbor area. For some of these families it will be the only time they can fly, so it is very memorable. Some of the pilots are also disabled, and children learn from this example that they can achieve anything. Commemorative flights are also organized for families that wish to commemorate a lost child.