10 Years of Standing, 1 Cause to Celebrate!
Thank you for visiting UMDM.org! The University of Michigan Dance Marathon is the largest student run, non-profit organization on the University of Michigan campus. Our cause is to raise funds and awareness for children in need of pediatric rehabilitation. The funds we raise benefit various therapy programs at C.S. Mott Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI and William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI.
During the past year, thousands of volunteers, including students, faculty, alumni and community members dedicated their time and energy into Dance Marathon. Their year-long commitment allowed UMDM to not only raise over $326,000, but to also provide a memorable experience for everyone involved.
This year we celebrate 10 years of “Making Kids Smile, Maize and Blue Style.” With nine years of experience behind us, we are looking forward to mixing tradition with change, and creating an experience that is enjoyable for everyone involved. In order for us to continue being successful we need the continuing dedication and commitment of all of our supporters.
Throughout the year there are many ways to get involved with Dance Marathon. You can get involved by being a dancer, a moraler, a volunteer, a private donor, or a corporate sponsor. No matter what path you choose, you will be having a direct impact on the lives of the hundreds of children that Dance Marathon helps.
We hope that you join us as we celebrate “ten years of standing”, and our quest to continue building a brighter future for the organization. I hope that everyone finds their own unique way of involving themselves with Dance Marathon, and which ever way you choose I promise it’ll be an experience of a lifetime!
With warm regards,
Sheena Jaglan
UMDM Executive Director