Check out all of the ways you can get involved!

Dance: As a UMDM dancer you will meet new people, have a ton a fun, and get to interact with amazing UMDM families. You will have the opportunity to attend events all year and work toward attending the 30 hour marathon in March. No dancing experience is required or needed. Sign up here online! Join a committee: The success of UMDM is […]

Add a new charity

Thank you for your interest in GoodSearch! Types of Organizations Eligible To participate in our program, your organization must be a registered non-profit. This can include schools, charities, hospitals and clinics, volunteer services, political organizations, fraternal organizations, professional associations, religious organizations, governmental agencies, etc. If your nonprofit is a chapter of a national organization, please participate in GoodSearch through the […]

Web thunts help theater

July 23, 2006 Fans of a popular theater in Plantation are earning extra revenue for the organization simply by surfing the Web. Mosaic Theatre draws about a penny each time one of its supporters uses GoodSearch, a free Internet search engine that shares its proceeds with various nonprofit organizations. Dec. 1, 2005 “Want to support Architecture for Humanity, Ability Aids […]

Penny for your thoughts

December 28, 2006 This search engine directs half its revenues to the charity of your choice. In this season of giving, here are some things you can do online to help others. It can be as simple as changing the way you search the Web “ founders Ken and J.J. Ramberg (who are brother and sister) plan to direct half […]

Dance Marathon 2006-2007: UMDM X

Registration Deadlines Date UMDM Special October 6, 2006 Free UMDM T-Shirt! November 10, 2006 UMDM Shirt – $5 January 19, 2007 UMDM Shirt – $10 UMDM Shirts will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. Fundraising All dancers, no matter if dancing as an individual, pair, or as a member of an organization, are responsible to raise a minimum of $250. Each […]